Rolling Trophy

A rolling trophy is one which keeps on rotating on periodic seasonal basis or year to year basis among the winning teams participating in a tournament/competition according to frequency of occuring event or tournaments.
At NSCC – we have a rolling trophy which is something that you are given when you win a tournament in that season (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter). In most cases the trophy is yours for good, not so with a rolling trophy. This is returned to NSCC after some time. We then engrave the Wining teams name and The same trophy is now awarded to the next winner in the following season.

Man of the Match

NSCC – North Shore Cricket Club – In the Finals “A player chosen as having made the most outstanding achievement during a match” awarded as the MAN OF THE MATCH.

Who decides the Man of the Match award at the end of a cricket match? The one player in the match who has outperformed everyone else who played on that given day is declared the man of the match. He can be from either the winning team or the losing team. The decission is made via the application that keep track of the players stats.

Winner & Runner-up Medals

NSCC – Celebrate Season Victory in Style. Winner or Runners Up both deserve it! All the players representing a team will get a medal who make it to the finals. Yes Both teams deserve respect and appreciation from NSCC!